Frequently Asked Questions
Q.How do I delete photos?
A.To do this you must go to your photo application. Currently no other applications are allowed to delete photos saved to the camera roll.
Q.Do I need a flash to use this app?
A.This app will work without a flash but a lot of the functions will be limited - for example focus assist wont be available.
Q.Why cant I take photos with the volume button like the camera app?
A.We are trying to get this feature accepted by Apple and hope it will be available in the next update.
Q.The app keeps taking photos or isnt working as it should what should I do?
A.Please let us know and we'll try and fix it. Try double pressing the home button and closing the app completely - after reloading it should work.
Q.It says User Denied Access when I try to take a photo what should I do?
A.You must enable access to the photo library. To do this click Settings - Privacy - Photos and make sure Night Focus is set to ON.
Q.My photos at night are still sometimes blurry and washed out what should I do?
A.Instead of using the flash to only focus set the focus assist fuction to always on. Now set the flash to off. You should be able to adjust the intensity of the light to a level which keeps the camera in focus and has a balanced exposure.
Q.The light has a red circle with a line through it - what does this mean?
A.This usually means you have had the light on for too long and so the phone has turned it off to stop it overheating. If this problem persists completely closing the application should fix it - double press the home button and close the app from here.
If you have any problems with the application please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to help and push out a fix if necessary.